Remember how to silly? 

Wellness Balanced is an invitation to find delight, every day. Let life amuse you! Give yourself permission to have fun AND create a healthier lifestyle at the same time. Let Wellness Balanced be your inspiration!

"Nothing makes me happier than opening up my emails and finding your wellness. balanced email waiting for me. :)"

This 90 day on-line program will guide you to be more vibrant, productive, and happier! Simply and enjoyably. Open to participants anywhere in the world.

Why Wellness Balanced?

There is so much confusing, conflicting and complicated information out there. It's enough to make your head spin! Wellness Balanced aims to simplify, demystify and exemplify incremental changes which have the power to transform your daily life.

YOU will benefit from Wellness Balanced if:

  • You welcome a short mini escape to focus on something fun
  • You experience information overload and don't know where to begin
  • Your mood rides a daily roller coaster
  • You drag yourself out of bed and slog through your day
  • Your sleep is anything but restful
  • You would rather grab a bag of sea salt and vinegar potato chips than eat something that will actually fuel your body

What to expect with Wellness Balanced?

It's so much fun! Each week begins with a new theme and each day considers that theme through a different lens:

Monday - Movement

Tuesday - Relationships

Wednesday - Food/Nutrition

Thursday - Self-care

Friday - Fun!

Saturday - Recap

Sunday - Overview

The daily delights will be delivered each morning via email. Additional links will be provided if you’re interested in diving deeper. Suggested action items will help you easily create incremental changes leading to a healthier, happier you.

Daily delights by theme

Week 1 – Let’s get acquainted!

  • Welcome
  • Housekeeping
  • You getting to know you
  • You getting to know me
  • Your greatest accomplishments

Week 4 – Strength

  • Build better body strength
  • Measure the strength of your relationship
  • One key to a strong body
  • Build a better bath
  • Play like a kid

Week 7 – Desire

  • Physical desire
  • Improve your relationships
  • Interpret your cravings
  • Why HOW is a four letter word
  • The power of daydreams

Week 10 – Money

  • The biggest bang for your (physical) buck
  • Why couples fight
  • What are rich foods?
  • How is not your job
  • Be a money magnet

Week 2 – Balance

  • Stay steady on your feet
  • Balanced relationship must haves
  • This could be the worst thing you consume
  • The art of saying NO
  • Back to school

Week 5 – Sleep

  • The best time to exercise
  • What almost 40% of couples do
  • Is it okay to go to be hungry?
  • Build a better bedtime ritual
  • The art of napping

Week 8 – Kindness

  • Listen to your body
  • The Helper’s High
  • Fabulous farmers
  • Be good to you
  • Three powerful words

Week 11 – Celebrate

  • The art of the dance
  • Reasons to celebrate
  • Prepare to resist
  • Take a holiday
  • Every day is special

Week 13 – Sparkle

  • Your best foot forward
  • Relationship highlights
  • Watch what you eat
  • YOU are the priority
  • The art of goofing off

Week 3 – Hydrate

  • Joyful jumping
  • Build a better shower
  • Hijacking hydration
  • Water 101
  • Blowing bubbles

Week 6 – Breathe

  • Breathe this way
  • Love to synchronize
  • Eat this to breathe easier
  • The benefits of belly breathing
  • Breathtakingly beautiful

Week 9 – Off-Kilter

  • Permit yourself to do this
  • The art of fighting
  • Do comfort foods really comfort?
  • Sometimes you just need to do this
  • The perfect antidote to a personal funk

Week 12 – Travel

  • When in Rome
  • Flying solo
  • Road food and car snacks
  • Terrific travel tips
  • Better than being on vacation

Additional Support

You're invited to join the Wellness Balanced private Facebook Group! Here you'll be able to share your triumphs, ask for clarification and receive a virtual hug when things fall off track. The ability to connect in our like-minded community is powerful!

You can receive additional coaching through Mair Hill's private email address. You'll be able to ask a question and receive a private response. 

Getting started with Wellness Balanced

Wellness Balanced is on demand. It will begin the Monday after you register.

To get the most out of the program, plan to invest at least fifteen minutes per day. The program builds on itself, so it's best to read the emails in order. Go at your own pace. Just because they arrive in your inbox every day, doesn't mean you have to read them every day. To help keep you on track, set up a folder to hold the emails. They'll be waiting for you when you're ready. There is no hurry - there is no deadline. There is only your interest, dedication and desire to make positive changes in your life.

For less than $1.00 per day, you will be on your way to finally feeling fantastic!

Here's what people are saying about Mair Hill:

"From the basics to the more complex, Mair guided me toward a happier, more fulfilling path.

We started with my language and shifted it from the negative to the positive. I was at a crossroad with my career when I met Mair, and I am thrilled to say that my career and my business are flourishing. Everyone needs a Mair in their life – she is a game changer. "

Karen Collins

"I’ve never met anyone before who could hold up a mirror in the way that you do to help me listen more carefully to what I think. That is the role I play for all my friends and I’m ever grateful to have found someone so sharp."

Anne Andrews

"Before you started coaching me, on a scale from 1 to 10, I was barely a one. Now after six sessions with you, I am a 7 AND I am excited to get to 10! I didn’t think that was possible before! "

Fahtina Al-Amin, Family Threads

"For me as a wife and a mother I put their needs before mine. As teacher I put my students needs before mine. But if I’m not happy or feeling appreciated and walking around with a scowl on my face, it affects my teaching, loving and caring thus I’m not as good at these other jobs as I could be.

My responsibilities have clouded my ability to see the creative options open to me. Mair allowed me to think of ways to include my husband and family in my career decisions so that they will be invested in my happiness as well. Mair listens and listens and listens. Then I started to listen and listen and listen. Then I was able to clarify what I needed and wanted.

Mair is so peaceful, confident, smart and clear. She helped me to slow down my thoughts and relax enough to get to the truth of what I want. Not easy with my responsibilities."  

Monica O’Connor

"I really, really believe in what she’s doing and I know it will empower you in ways you haven’t even thought about. 

It’s helped me beyond words … especially when I’ve felt like our situation with my daughter’s mental illness and our financial dilemma felt hopeless."

Sally Thompson

Who is Mair Hill?

Mair Hill is an author, speaker, blogger, Certified Holistic Health Coach, Reiki Master and mom of three amazing boys. She has been living a wellness lifestyle for over twenty years (while still occasionally indulging in a pint of strawberry cheesecake custard or a sleeve of freshly opened Oreos).

Her goal is to make being healthy – and therefore feeling great – so simple, you’ll actually follow her lead. Her book, A Good Plan: Intentionally Simple is the perfect companion to Wellness Balanced. It’s available through Amazon and Kindle. If you'd like to receive an autographed copy, please order it from

Watch Mair’s TEDx talk where she’ll share “the best way” to eat chocolate cake.